Review content:
Beware! Don't trust this company, First Team Real Estate, because some of the people they hired are capable of committing FORGERY!
We regret trying to sell our house through the Tustin Branch because they are a pain in the rump to deal with. The contract we had with them ended up being invalid because it turned out it was good for only one day. Instead of resigning with them, we went with a different realtor. And instead of them being noble about it, they refused to remove our house from MLS. They felt they were still our realtor and to try and prove it, they sent us a fraudulent document. On the original contract, a typo was made on the ending date for the expiration. The fake document had the year corrected in handwriting, and my mother's initials was forged next to it without a date next to that to indicate when that handwritten correction was supposed to have been made. Also, there was no witness to my mother signing this because it never happened. The manager, Elizabeth Meyers, (who's arrogant, argumentative, and condescending) claimed this (allegedly) fraudulent document was signed the day after the original document was signed. But, many months later, when we noticed the error in the date on the original document, the realtor, Lucy Borruel, brought us a typed modified version for my mother to resign, which she refused to do. If my mother had supposedly initialed the fake document months prior, why would she be given a typed up modified version months later? And this version was actually titled "Modification of Listing." And there's a added line saying, "The expiration date is changed to."
We even went to the higher-ups in the corporate office, the Newport branch, to give them a chance to resolve this before we had our lawyer file a lawsuit. We contacted the CEO, Michele Harrington, and the broker, Thomas Wagner, but they both won't be bothered to directly return all communication. I suppose no one cares about being criminally charged for fraud. Let the lawsuit begin.