Review content:
I went to Dr. Goldberg because I have a chronic condition that means I need regular visits to a chiropractor, and specifically gentile adjustments. The medical assistants I talked to were friendly, helpful, and kind, and they both wore masks to keep the patients safe from COVID-19. While I was filling out my intake paperwork, Dr. Goldberg came out to the front of the office without a mask or gloves, and began ranting loudly at one of his assistants.
He loudly insisted that wearing masks was unnecessary for COVID-19 prevention. His rant also included his opinions that vaccines are a hoax, medications are all worthless, no one should ever see any medical doctors, and being around sick people doesn't make you sick. He insisted that socially distancing and masks were unnecessary, and that the best way not to get sick was to have a good immune system and "be healthy". He also pointed out things like "I haven't taken an aspirin in 40 years," and "In medicine, the exception is the rule; If I don't need it, then no one does." His medical assistant tried to gently remind him that not everyone is as healthy as he is, but he interrupted her, practically screaming, "Well then they should get healthy!" As a person with a genetic, chronic, debilitating, immunocompromising illness that I will never be able to cure, that statement is insanely offensive, especially coming from a medical professional.
His opinions were terrible, and what was worse was the way he was treating his medical assistant. She was clearly uncomfortable and trying to calm him down, but he got continually more agitated and offensive. I am honestly glad this happened the way it did; I stopped my paperwork part-way through and left the office. The assistant at the desk gave me an understanding and apologetic look as I returned her clipboard; I don't think I am the first person he has driven away like this. These women deserve better. If you believe in ANY modern, western, medical science, do NOT go see this chiropractor.