Review content:
Brandy J. T., handled my divorce. She & her assistant Alesha, would not notify me of when my court dates were, I had to get them from an inside source. The few times that they did send me a court date, they were consistently canceled. She stated that she'd help me w/ a QUADRO, then never did. She lied and said she never said that she would. She never used any of the info. that she had me gather regarding my ex- husbands financial resources. She blatantly refused to help me w/ the insurance company that was supposed to pay me. they only needed a "note" on her letter head and stated they would pay, and she refused for an entire year. I had to hire another attorney to complete what she was supposed to do. She constantly ignored e-mails - she and her assistant both. She "never" checked into any of my ex-husband's work income, personal accts., hidden finances, nor she "ever" contact the military regarding my alimony. Then, after the other attorney that I hired to complete what she left unfinished ( and charged me and EXTRA $1890.00 for), after a year and a half of me fighting for what was awarded, she had the audacity to email me, a week after I was awarded the money, ( I hadn't heard from her all of that time); and insist that I pay her the remaining balance. My ex-husband's attorney, 2 weeks into the divorce, stated to my husband, that Brandy was a ...and I quote: "A Flake", because of something negative that she'd commented about "me". I was not told what the comment was, and quite frankly, I don't care. I wrote a letter of complaint to Judge Baird, I wrote a letter of complaint to the Bar Association and I feel compelled to warn anyone considering Ms. Thompson's services, she will smile and portray a friendly attorney that wants to help you. She will be pleasant, but she will not lift a finger to do a thing for you and charge you every dime that you have. She feels as though she did nothing wrong, after the hell that she put me through. How she can practice law with her lack of conscience is criminal!