Review content:
Being a Senior at KSC, I have had the opportunity to work with Cheshire Tire for the past two years that I have been able to have my car on campus. So when it came time to register and inspect my car and I asked for opinions, naturally this establishment came up as a decently priced and nearby location for inspections.
To be honest, I know next to NOTHING of cars. I know how to change assorted fluids, give an oil change, and change wiper blades. That's it. So I was thrilled when I went to the front desk and the worker [who's name I sadly forget] literally told me every single thing that he would inspect and what would need to be done. And when I asked about my squeaky breaks, he quickly eased my fears, saying they needn't be replaced for about another 2,000 miles.
However, my second time has not been as enjoyable. I went to get my car inspected for a second time, and I was shocked to discover that I needed to spend $300 that I didn't have to get a speed sensor replaced on two tires. However, another man thankfully came and sat beside me, explaining once more, saying that if I ordered them that day [it was a Friday] that the part would be in on Sunday. I wasn't able to order the part that day, however, because I needed to consult my parents about the purchase.
When I placed the order on that following Monday, I was told that I would be called when the part arrived and could have it put in, which was said to be the next day or two. However, today is Saturday, and no matter how many times I've called and asked for information, I've been told that they would call me within a few minutes, or first thing the next morning with my answer. I've called every day, and have yet to get an answer!
Is it so hard to get an answer about a part? You'd think that they'd be more willing to answer me when I am inquiring about when I can pay them money that I can't afford. It's almost 10am on Saturday, and you can certainly bet that I will be calling them within about a half an hour asking for answers, yet again. And this time, if I don't get answers, I'm going to say I'll look elsewhere for this part. This is getting ridiculous.
While some of the workers are very helpful and obviously want to answer your questions, it's insane that it has been almost a week since I ordered a part that I was told would only take a day to get in, and I still don't have answers. I was supposed to go on a road trip today, and I'm actually thankful that it was cancelled because I don't feel comfortable driving a car that hasn't passed inspection yet.
So, in all, if I could give a suggestion, go elsewhere. Currently, the cons outweigh the pros in my opinion. Yes. Elsewhere is good.