Review content:
I was already very unhappy with their service: every time I took the car there, something else would break just a couple of weeks later. In the end, and in less than 6 months, I spent almost $4,000 in a car that is worth just 1 or 2 thousand more than that. While I can't say it is their fault that the car had so many problems, I do know that they are not exactly nice, caring or responsible mechanics. From the first time I took the car there, I always asked them what they recommended: to do the service or get rid of the car? The bottom line is: they couldn't care less to advise me. In fact, their answers were always evasive, as if they cared more about not losing the service than to tell me the truth about other conditions the car might have had.
But the main problem I had with them, and the title of this review, happened last weekend. After taking the car to them once again, just a few weeks after a spent $2,200 on a gasket replacement, they told me that I had to spend $60 to fix the heating system (no hot air for the passengers) and $600 to fix an engine light on, but for a reason they were not sure. They assumed it had to do with the catalytic converter and most likely caused by the leaking gasket. I told them to fix the heating and not the "engine light". Since they would be closed Saturday and Sunday, I made plans to pick up the car on Monday. However, on Sunday, after having lunch with my wife on a restaurant just around the corner, I drove by and saw the par parked by their garage gate. To my surprise, the car had the door unlocked and the key was in the ignition. I called them immediately, to see if someone was inside, but the call was directed to their voice mail. So, I called again, this time to say that I was slipping an envelop with $60 under their door and driving my car home. Right before I was about to leave, a short guy came out of the shop. He looked at me, but simply continued towards another white pick-up truck and left. He saw me driving my car, but again, didn't bother to stop me, ask me what I was doing, or even tell me whether he heard my voice message or not.
So, bottom line, do go there: they are careless about your interests (i.e. don't expect honest, or dishonest, advises) and they are careless of your property -- I guess they feel safe by having a statement inside their office saying "We are not responsible for vehicle theft" (even though we may leave your car outside, open, and with the key in the ignition).