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Initially, I signed a an agreement with an attorney from a different law firm who appeared to me to be very enthusiastic and positive about the merits of my case, a 'slip & fall', which was not ""obvious and open"". \r
Weeks after my having supplied the attorney with much documentation vital to the case, and an explanation of circumstances surrounding the accident, I received a letter which in essence, withdrew all representation of me and of my interests in the aforementioned 'slip and fall' injury. The attorney cited the reason for withdrawing representation as my not having a meritorious case against the defendant(s). \r
Although I was quite surprised and disappointed, undaunted, I sought out new counsel, and what a blessing it was! I presented all of my annexed documentation and explained the circumstances of the fall and of its cause, as I did previously with the other law firm, to Brian Gibbs, a very perceptive and analytical young attorney working with Cecil & Geiser. He immediately recognized the merit of my case, and as such, I signed an agreement to be represented, with this law firm in our initial meeting.\r
This attorney, Brian Gibbs, was always accessible to me. He was invariably patient, polite and in every way professional, yet personable.\r
Today, December 23, about one year after my having signed our agreement, I prevailed against the defendant(s) in a settlement which was fair, and which I am VERY pleased to receive.