Review content:
I purchased my 3rd BMW from Performance earlier this year (3rd BMW in total, 1st from Performance). My parents decided it was time for their baby to become an adult and buy her own damn car and after coming thisclose to signing some ridiculous "deal" on a new 328i this really hyper, crazy-eyed guy had "worked out just for me," I came to my senses and ran away. I checked out other cars, desperately wanted an Infiniti G37 but since the previous cars were in my parents names, I had little credit to go on. So back to BMW I trudged, knowing I could get something there because BWM Financial "knew" me. I figured pre-owned would work best for now so I started looking. I thought I liked a 2004 330i. Pressured into making a decision, I stayed cool until I got a call saying "Oh, it's the end of the month, we're sending that car to auction unless you buy it now." Stupid scare tactic worked on me, I'm ashamed to say. Bought it that night. Then the problems start. Like, uh, hey, y'know that turn signal with the condensation on the inside and the sensor that says there's a broken tail light? Yeah, the stuff you were supposed to fix before? Yeah, when you said you fixed that, did you really mean you DIDN'T fix that, because that's what it looks like. Yeah, you omitted the key word - "DIDN'T." I have had the car in there 3 times for the tail light thing, each time assured it's fixed for good this time (guess what? No it's not), the rear defroster doesn't work and they just keep saying, "Well, we don't know how to test that since it's not foggy when we have it" (it is when I get outta' work at 3am, though, thank-you-very-much, I'm sure there's some way to simulate condensation during the day), my tire monitor doesn't work, which I found out when I almost flipped the car when the pressure shot down to less than 10psi in a front tire. I could go on and on but this damn citysearch box is saying I'm outta' room. Peace out. Find a better BMW dealership, I know I will.
Pros: They have BMW's - that's the only pro they have
Cons: Greedier and pushier than normal salesmen, the truth is something they prefer to dance around and all that great service they promised you? Ha ha, good luck with that.