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Call the office, with any problem, question, or request, and this small-town values steeped, mom-and-pop shop will go so many extra miles to help. I'm a renter, not used to paying for sanitary service, and in my 4th yr of eluding deadly domestic violence. Attacks are triggered by mail showing up in my mailbox at home, so I keep a mailing address. Most household service providers could give $0.02 about your safety, and happily sacrifice your very mortality for whatever they get selling data to direct mail marketers. Not Richmond Sanitary: they go so many extra miles to make my weird lifestyle not so arduous. I spent a long stretch in ICU this summer, and my mom took my credit cards and piles of bills and paid them for me - 3 consecutive, accruing Richmond Sanitary bills vs. the $90 due for each. Rity chmond Sanitary called several times, and sent a few letters in the mail, asking what I wanted to do with the overpayments - leave em on account? Refund? I didn't respond, so still have a bunch of credit on file. And a pile of mom's trash that needs general pickup, free twice a year, up to 15 bags at 35gal each, of whatever you can stuff in said bags. Which is nothing, if you're me at the moment. Turns out they also will get someone to drag the bins to the curb for you, if you ask in advance and tell them why you need help. I should do that, sometime. I've struck out with so many requests for help, or simply trying to convey why I couldn't comply with whatever I needed help with, that I never ever considered that service might be available. \r
FYI, PG&E and the water district have been very considerate of my circumstance and allow for alternate security identifiers as well as billing addresses in place of service addresses, so if you're in similar straits know there are folks who get it and who will help. CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE and you'll get just that.