Review content:
Saturday morning, December 30th, 2013\r
As I approached the front doors of the Craft Market, there was a large sign “Holiday Sale 50% Off All Merchandise”. I stopped and read it again, then headed inside the store. \r
I picked up what I needed then headed to the register. \r
CM Employee: An employee passed me and said, “everything is 25% off today”. \r
Me: I said, the sign outside says, “everything is 50% off today”. \r
CM Employee: She says, “What sign?”\r
Me: I pointed to the sign.\r
CM Employee: She walks outside, looks at the sign, comes back in and tells me that the sign says “25% off.” (Lie #1)\r
Me: I walk outside myself and sure enough the sign has been changed while I was shopping and it now says 25% off. I told her that when I walked in, it said 50% off. \r
CM Employee: She denied that the sign had been changed. (Lie #2)\r
Me: I asked to speak to the store manager. A woman named Lisa H. showed up. I told her what had happened.\r
Lisa H. (CM Store Manager): Lisa told me that the sign had not been changed and that a sign saying “50% off “did not even exist (Lie #3), she would not even know where to get a sign that said “50% off” (Lie #4) and I must have read the sign wrong when I entered the store (Lie #5).\r
Me: I reached into my basket and retrieved a shopping list left by another customer. It read “Craft Market 50% off” and a list of items. I showed it to Lisa H.\r
Lisa H. (CM Store Manager): She said “Oh… we did offer “50% off” yesterday.\r
Me: So, you do have a sign that says “50% off”.\r
Lisa H. (CM Store Manager): Oh… yes, but it’s in the office. We changed the sign to “25% off” this morning before we opened (Lie #6), not while your were shopping (Lie #7). She repeated that I must have read the sign wrong (Lie #8).\r
Me: I told her that I wanted the “50% off” on the 2 items ($13) I am purchasing.\r
Lisa H. (CM Store Manager): She said “she couldn’t do that”.\r
Me: I told her that I would be posting my experience on and other websites. She did not care, would not give me the discount advertised on the sign. I left never to return again.\r
Not only is Lisa H. dishonest, but she insisting that I read the sign wrong, making me look stupid. 5-6 other employees/cashiers were standing around listening to all of this, knowing that the sign had been changed and not saying anything. If Lisa H. worked for me I would fire her immediately. I would not want my store manager teaching my other employees to be dishonest and to disrespect customers. \r
Had Lisa H. been honest, and told me that they an put yesterday’s “50% off” sign out, realized the mistake, then changed the sign, I would been totally understanding, would have remained a customer and would not have posted a negative review. \r
Honesty is always the best policy, guess Lisa H. did not get the memo.\r