Review content:
IPM might be good for landlors, but it is TERRIBLE for renters. I have been lied to 5 times already, and I only just moved in this past weekend. First, they told me the application fee was $15 when I went to the showing, but when I applied they asked for $25. I thought, okay, that might have been a mistake or misunderstanding. But after this past week, now I believe I was not mistaken. They are shady. Second, the ad said there were washer/dryer hookups, but I get there and they are sawed off and unrepairable. Third, the ad said there was a dishwasher, which the person showing me the apartment said WORKS, but when I moved in, the parts down in the bottom are broken and the water is disconnected. They won't fix it, because the appliances are provided as ""a courtesy"". (Some courtesy!!) The most they will do is take it to the curb in the event I get a new one. Fourth, they said at the showing that I would have control of the thermostat for both apartments, lower (mine) and upper -- the truth is that I have to call and make an appointment with them whenever I need it adjusted, because it is hidden somewhere in the house and I am not allowed to touch it. I suppose I'll find out in the spring whether the A/C unit works, or if that was a lie too. Some other problems are that the handrail on the stairs is broken and unsafe. Half the windows are unopenable, and the bathroom window fell out of its track when opened, right onto my niece's head! Thankfully, she was alright. There is a fire hazard in the basement and when I talked to them I was made to feel like I was being irrational about it. And after I applied, they said they would only rent to me if I agreed to give them ANOTHER $325 for deposit, making it over $800!! Like an idiot, I agreed. I really liked the place. I THOUGHT it had everything I wanted, but everything I liked about it turned out to be lies. And now I am stuck with them. Also, when I pulled up with the UHAUL, I discovered a For Sale sign in the front yard. I called the next morning and they ADMITTED that they knew the owner was probably going to sell the place, and they didn't disclose that to me when I applied, which I feel is just WRONG. Yes, if it sells, the new owners will have to honor my lease until the end of the terms, but then they can jack up the rent until I can't afford it, or just choose not to renew my lease and ask me to leave. I wanted and needed a place where I knew I could stay for a few years, not something uncertain like this. I am very disappointed with this company. Horrible, horrible business practices. If you're a renter, do yourself a favor and stay away from these people.