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I have experienced their lies and mismanagement for far too long. I've always given them the benefit of the doubt with missing reports, no invoices, late checks, and so on until I got a warning from the county because they let the grass grow to three feet even though they were charging me for mowing it... Then, I got in touch with several people whose property was also managed by Mel an ld Jay and they all had similar stories
those guys are thieves and piers... Stay away!!
RESPONSE FROM Mel & Jay Management LLC:
Rents $33,250.00
Advances $2,219.00
Security Deposits $2,990.00
Total Revenues $38,459.00
Grounds $158.50
Dump $25.00
Initial Fee $150.00
Legal $625.00
Materials $82.53
Management Fee $3,325.00
Repairs - Labor $2,102.50
Security Deposit $1,495.00
Tenant Acquisition $2,990.00
Total Expenses $10,953.53
Due Owner $27,505.47
Disbursed $26,872.97
Balance Owed $632.50
There are receipts for every materials expense, there are time cards for every labor cost and there are cancelled checks for every disbursement.
AA has a lawn that's more then 3/8 acre. We would normally charge $60 - $80 per mowing for this yard. We charged a total of $158.50. We did forget to put this house on the mowing list this Spring because we had tenants mow before. AA had us remove his tenants in February and getting the property on the mowing list was accidentally skipped. Our fault, but we did not charge him for mowing either. We mowed eight times on other properties this spring through July. Had we done regular mowing at AA's property the cost to him would have been between $480 and $640 depending on the hours. We mowed once after AA complained about our skipping his yard, and yes the grass had gotten 2-3 feet high. Our mistake but hardly raising to the level of stealing.
Over 2 years and 10 months we disbursed $26,872.97 to AA and AA was supplied and currently has a report for each month. In addition he is welcome to get any reports he wants at any time within 10 minutes or so simply by asking. He also has or knows he can get any invoice for materials he wants.
The argument here is over whether or not we mowed his 3' high lawn on 6/21 and 6/24 of this year. We did and he says we didn't despite being in possession of rental company invoices for the brush hog we used for the grass.
We are sorry for Mr AA's angst, but it is of his own making not ours, and calling us thieves and liars is just not called for.
Mel & Jay