Review content:
I just read two very spiteful reviews posted under two different IDs, but which are obviously from the same person, about an excellent physician. When I see a review like this, I think of three possible things:
1. Someone who is not a patient, but who has a personal grievance with the physician, will set out to pose as the physician's patient to satisfy a personal need to tear the physician down.
Or, if indeed a patient,
2. The physician refused to give the patient his/her drug of choice or a drug the patient demanded, almost invariably a narcotic.
3. The patient expected to be given something that she/he wanted (usually because they read about it online or heard from someone else) but which was not in his/her best medical interest or which was medically unnecessary.
And when this kind of patient doesn't get what he/she wants, and if they are vindictive enough, they will go after the physician to malign him as much as possible. In this Internet age where anyone with access to a computer can write any malicious, defamatory, unjust, blatantly false thing they desire, every person becomes an easy target. Physicians are especially vulnerable.
Dr. Gueler practices the highest standard of medicine and Ms. Fadrique practices the highest level of nursing. This means being able to say ""no"" as much being able to say ""yes"" to what a patient expects. Dr. Gueler does not practice convenience store medicine, where anyone can just walk in and think they can order something up and get it on demand. Those medical practices certainly exist, and if patients like this - because just as there are bad doctors, there are bad patients - want that kind of doctor, it shouldn't be hard to find. All they have to do is try to intimidate the physician into submission. Fortunately, Dr. Gueler is among the honest and skilled physicians who practice the right kind of medicine and doesn't cave to fear or threats.
I feel deeply sorry for Dr. Gueler, because I know how much he cares for his patients and I know the kind of physician he is. For the reviewer who wanted to hurt Dr. Gueler with their review, I think you can feel victorious in your attempt, but not because Dr. Gueler did anything wrong, but because he is human and has emotions and just plain cares. You, the reviewer who set out to wound Dr. Gueler, actually ended up hurting yourself, because you denied yourself the care of an outstanding physician in your wrath. I'm sure you will find a mediocre or subpar physician to do your bidding. And, hopefully, you will never encounter someone like yourself who would post an online libel about you in the process. Karma always rules out in the end.
I, for one, am a patient who is grateful for Dr. Gueler in my life. And I am grateful for Diana Fadrique for being a nurse I can rely on to do right by me. I appreciate it when you tell me I shouldn't be doing something. I appreciate that you correct my false assumptions. I appreciate it when you tell me what I ought to be doing with my health, even when I don't like hearing it. Please try to remember the hundreds upon hundreds of other patients who owe their health and physical well-being to you, who don't go online to post the good reviews.