Review content:
Here's a tip: Today, Dave came to replace my kitchen faucet. Very well mannered, very professional, and ready to do an hour's job. He arrived at 10 am, but didn't leave until almost 1 pm. Why so long? The idiots at the office would ping him on his phone CONSTANTLY with inane and useless questions, comments, non-priority messages, etc.! The man tried to tell them he was under the sink, and they would ignore him and babble on and on about mainly nothing! I know, because I was standing right there listening to the whole useless conversations! There needs to be some SERIOUS discussions with the people who sit in these offices and think all they have to do is call or text these service techs! They are trying to WORK out there to get us customers back in service! Your constant badgering them just makes them farther behind! It almost got to the point I was going to answer the next inane call and tell you exactly what you could do! My suggestion is for all of those people that interact with the techs, but arren't actually working the calls, to spend a week ""shadowing"" a service tech. Let them get a taste, if you will, what they have to go through, just getting their job done on time, PLUS listening and responding every few minutes to someone who is oblivious to what he is actually doing! When Dave finally was able to finish,insult was added to injury, as he tried to connect to the system to collect my CC info and bill me, the system dumped him three times in a row. He finally had to revert to the old method and carbon copied me on an old bill form. Bottom line: Dave did a great job! His ""support system"" leaves way too much to be desired! I was livid, but he managed to stay calm and collected, and just told me it's that way everyday and he's used to it. Well, I'm the customer, and it wasn't okay with me. I had a schedule too, and it didn't include the plumber to be there for 3 hours! Get it together guys! Invoice #16965554- 4336 Dave.