Review content:
If you see this Doctor...good luck. She has a laugh that is basically laughing at you for being stupid! Very sarcastic and very unprofessional. I have been hurt for 14 years she never even read the notes from the other doctors she judges from what she sees. No experience or compassion for people with chronic pain. I don't think she has ever even trained in chronic pain. How appt. she was LATE seeing me! At the beginning of the appointment she was bitching about someone that had seen her earlier(before several of us) and they were very upset...she said to ME...I was running late because someone was falling apart and crying....""I am not their therapist I wish they would have gone on"". That shows her compassion for her patients.
Here is what another guy said....
Recently I had a bad experience with Carolina Partners in Raleigh. We are happy with the woman that we see in Wake Forest.
1. I was out of my depakote and I am bipolar.
2. I had cancelled 2 appointments. (They were within the 24 hour time frame; but, they were both emergent circumstances.)
a. Circumstance #1 I had to go to Wakemed to have an emergency heart catherization. Prior to calling the ambulance, I called CPMH and cancelled my appointment, but a day ahead of time, even though it was within 24 hours time, was not enough.
b. Circumstance #2 my 10 year old daughter got sick one night and was throwing up. Short of bringing her to my appointment as she was vomitting, I had to cancel again, and reschedule.
Both times were emergent, both times I gave as much lead time as I possibly could. All of my other doctors and dentists have the 24 hour policy; however, anytime I have ever had an emergency, they never charged me.
The last appointment, I arrived 7 minutes late to a 15 minute appointment. Another situation that could not be avoided. I was at my cardiac rehab for the first time and they were checking my vital signs after class and I was running a little late after that.
When I entered the practice Dr. Miah was standing at the receptionist desk, and she said, I was just going to fire you. I thought she was joking. She wasn't. Then she said , you will be getting a bill for the last two appointments you missed. Not, was something wrong, are you okay, why haven't you been here lately...just the statement, you will be billed. Then when I began to try to explain about my daughter, etc., Dr. Miah decided to come around to the waiting area where other patients were sitting and in front of them proceeded to argue with me and then said, well, I guess I'll see ya. I then thought it best to exit the building. I left crying because I was afraid to b