Review content:
After recently hearing the Bible on television, I read the bible about Jesus Christ. I know the only thing that makes Jesus angry was in seeing the Temple, and not just inside the temple the surrounding area of the church inside the gated ground set aside as a monument to God, was being used for a festival, and not to worship God. They were trading money and gambling. That meant that when you follow Jesus you obey what made him angry. Since the laws of the Bible are not being obeyed. Since they can't seem to want to follow Jesus Christ in what they do, I won't be attending any of these churches in the area of Martinsville. Why, because the grounds around the church are being used for other purposes that raise money, and they are using God for profit rather than to worship him. That means they don't obey the Bible, but like to attend church to meet people and use it as a social network, instead of as a church. I obey Jesus, and I have followed the effective prayer of Mathew 7:7 and have asked God for vengeance, not allowing myself to seek it. I trust that God will see that the money that I have been begging him for, for so many years is placed into my hand and gently placed into my hand. If is it not placed into my hand then it is another act of defiances by the area churches to have their heaven, here on earth while denying me what I want and need and as I have prayed for them. I have asked God for the money to be immediately placed into my hand. Now not later, and so far the area churches have been unwilling to cooperate within the law, but they really don't follow Jesus either. It stands to reason that land that is set aside to worship God not be used for the purpose of the people only who attend their church but for all Christians. And to continually harm and deny me what I am praying for is an act of defiance when it is taught not to judge others unless they judge you, and they have been unfairly judging me for several years, and denying me the things I want, love and need here on earth. My opinion of them is this, if you continue to deny me my prayer request and create a living hell for me here on earth, while telling me to 'get use to hell' then guess where you're going in the next life? They get to go to hell in the afterlife, instead of heaven, they took their shot at heaven here on earth while they stole my prayers and my needs and wants from me. I hope God hands you right to Satan and says I saw what you did to Cheryl, when she was praying, now you can go live with the devil, in hell, like you forced her to do. Vengeance is in the hands of the Lord and I know he has saw me suffer for the sins being committed against me by churches who are using their properties for bake sales, yard sales, schools, financial planning, and employment agencies. They offer an attorney, and the list continues as to how they disrespect Jesus, within two weeks of just celebrating his resurrection. They didn't learn anything from it. I have felt the thorns like what Jesus felt piercing my skin, and I have felt what it was like to be crucified for the sins of others while they stole my clothing and money, and gambled in court for my robes, and money. I have saw, if Jesus were on earth today they would be a Philistine who would crucify him so they can sin against others.