Review content:
Although the exam with the doctor took longer than usual because she kept going back and forth between me and another patient, it is understandable. However, what was not acceptable was the inordinate amount of time wasted by the man that fits eyeglasses. Once I chose my glasses, it should have only take 10 minutes max to complete the estimate, however, not only did he waste my time due to many errors in calculating my insurance coverage and adding additional features I did not need without asking me, he also had to recalculate the numbers several times when I questioned him as to what several items were because he couldn't tell me. Because of my questioning, it resulted in a lower and more reasonable price on one pair. Additionally, when I was trying to decide between two different frames, I thought there was about a $70 difference because he gave me an incorrect price on one of the frames. The actual difference was almost $180! But at this point I had already spent so much time, I didn't want to start over so I just went with it.\r
In addition, when I asked about other colors, he did look them up online, but failed to write the name down so he had to keep going online to find the name when it came time to place the order (doesn't sound like much, but the computer had been closed out since it was past closing time, so I had to wait for him to search the info again).\r
However, the most annoying aspect was the time he wasted rambling on about errors he made in the past with other patients and the measures he took to correct them. He was breaking his arm patting himself on the back, rather than focusing on correctly calculating my order. He also blabbered on about when he owned an eye business and how he lost his retirement in bad investments and what a pain it was to apply my insurance, once again stating how he made many errors with it with other patients. I did not encourage the conversation...even checked my email on my phone and took a call from my husband who was incredulous that I was still at the eye doctors! After having been in the office for over 2 1/2 hours, I was anxious to get on my way before the traffic excalated and it was very frustrating to have him waste even more of my time in this way. When it was all said and done, it took a total of 3 1/2 hours to have my eyes examined and to pick out and order glasses. This is unacceptable as I had already traveled over 30 minutes just to get to this office. The fitter should focus less on apologizing and focus more on accuracy and professionalism. \r
I think the other staff are very professional and the doctors are fantastic, especially Dr. Teske, however I may go elsewhere in the future because of the inconvenience and lack of respect for my time.