Review content:
Why didn't I check Citysearch before I took my car to Bucky's?
Just as EVERYONE has mentioned, Joey is a scammer. He will tell you whatever it is he thinks you want to hear to get you to leave your car there.
Once he has it, consider it held for ransom.
I had my car towed there because I was having transmission issues. Joey, in his infinite wisdom, said that I needed to get a transmission flush for $130.
Joey said he'd call me first thing in the morning since I had to leave it there overnight. He said he'd let me know if that had fixed the issue or if we needed to dig deeper.
Well, at 4:00pm the next day I called there because I hadn't heard from Joey. When I inquired about my car, Joey says that he lost my phone number - something about the ""cleaning lady must have thrown it away"". I thought, why isn't my information in your computer system? Anyways, Joey says, ""It looks like you're going to need a new transmission."" I was kinda shocked and asked what lead to that decision. He ranted on and on about how it's cheaper to replace the entire thing than it is to fix the issue. When I asked what codes his scanner picked up, he said a shift solenoid fault. To make a long story short, that one code was enough to tell him that I needed a new transmission at a cost of $2500 (and that was for a used one).
I showed up to talk in person to see if I could get a ""read"" on this guy.
What I found when I arrived was appalling. An extremely dirty environment, mechanics smoking IN THE SHOP while they are tinkering on cars and a service writer who thinks his Sh*t doesn't stink (Joey). I immediately came to the conclusion that I was going to be taking my car back regardless of what Joey thought.
After having to give Joey my phone # and information again so he could enter it into his system (he must have lost it again - or he is stealing from the owner by not entering customers' information into the software system until he sees if the customer pays in cash) I paid $130 w/ CC for a worthless transmission flush.
Here's where it gets really good...
When the mechanic drives my car around front, the first thing I see is greasy fingerprints all over my hood, my door handle, my tan center console, tan leather seats, tan carpet, tan door jam and a greasy tool that the mechanic left in my car in the cup holder!
The mechanic who drove it had on rubber gloves that were COVERED in grease so I checked my tan leather steering wheel too...yep, grease on both sides.
I asked to talk to Joey who hid in the shop for 5 minutes before coming out to talk to me - he's such a coward. He says, ""Can I help you with something?"" - as if the person who I asked hadn't briefed him on the situation.
I pointed at all the grease on/in my car and his immediate response, ""Yeah, those tow truck drivers don't use mats."" When I said, ""What about the steering wheel, the seat, the center console, the hood etc."" He says, ""My guys didn't do that."" I said, ""So you're going to pass the blame over to the tow truck driver??"" He says, ""How do you know my guys did that?"" I said, (with an increasingly frustrated tone) ""I just watched your guy covered in grease get out of my car, leave his tools in there etc. How can YOU be so sure it wasn't them?"" He said, ""We use mats.""
At this point I came to the conclusion that Joey is a Neanderthal who speaks his own language.
If you go decide to take your car to Bucky's for ANY service, especially after reading these reviews, I'm going to look forward to reading YOUR review. :)