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CPT Codes, Correct Code Procedures, are available on-line for Health Care Professionals. Intuitive based CPT Code searches allow you to find the exact code you need. As changes are mandated by carrier to CPT Codes, they are automatically updated on, providing you with the latest CPT information at all times.
Searching for CPT Codes may be done by term or use of the actual CPT Code. In searching by term, you only need to enter minimal word or words to find all CPT Codes that coincide with that term. You can easily cross-check CPT Codes with ICD-9 Codes. You will know if your CPT Code and ICD-9 Code are inclusive. CPT cross-checking will help you avoid denials and receive faster reimbursement turn-around.
CPT Codes are offered with ICD-9 Cross Codes and CCI information. Short and long, detailed, definitions are provided for all CPT Codes. In searching CPT Codes, you are given the RVU information by state for Non Facility, Facility and APC. Carrier policies are available by state, broken down geographically where necessary, and include National Labs. You can access carrier policies and check for CPT Code changes updates in one click.
Along with CPT Codes, Coding Resources on-line include ICD-9 Codes, HCPCS Codes, LMRP and CCI information. All searches use the same intuitive base and features as the CPT Codes. Billing Resources, Practice Management Tools, Office Forms and Letters categorize other valuable information. If you are in need of E&M Usage, Job Description or a HIPAA form you will find it on
The site is user-friendly and provides all necessary information about CPT Codes. All CPT Code information is posted on-line, requires no downloading and no updating. CPT Code information is easily accessible from any computer with Internet service. offers free reliable technical support through our professional and friendly staff during our hours of operation.
Whether you are in a large medical facility, a small practice, an imaging lab or a remote coder, CPT Code information is readily available at We provide cutting edge technology at very reasonable prices. Give our free trial a try, no credit card required… you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
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1.800.372.7790 ext. 21. Real Help. Real Fast. Real Easy.