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I have suffered from chronic back pain for nearly 25 years. I would suffer periodic episodes which left me barely able to walk, enduring weeks where the slightest wrong movement could reduce me near tears. Recuperation consisted of massage, rest, and, mostly, time. After the acute pain subsided, and with enough time, it would return to a state of insidious discomfort that would nag just below the surface, waiting for another episode opportunity.\r
My massage therapist, who told me that she couldn't cure me, introduced me to Vivian. I was in a great deal of pain at the time, and Vivian nursed me back to normal in just a few weeks. She used a combination of therapies, one of which was her good humor, but warned that while I had passed through the most difficult portion of the recovery process, I would need to continue physical therapy and maintain a homework schedule to ultimately eliminate the pain. I didn't. And, sure enough, months later after a long plane ride to Europe, the pain returned. This time it was a series of episodes, each one more painful than the previous. Finally, after feeling ill with pain, I called Vivian again.\r
I arrived in the office and Vivian went to work. Between the stim, infrared, massage, traction, manual mobilization, specific exercises and slow stretching, Vivian and her team coaxed me back to health. This time she was even more emphatic in her admonition to do my homework, continue to train muscles that were necessary to help prevent a recurrence, and to stretch properly.\r
I'm back to an active lifestyle and, for the moment, pain free. I intend to stay that way by following the personalized plan Vivian has structured for me. I'm so grateful for her knowledge, her caring nature, and the understanding she brings to the practice of healing. Viva Vivian!\r