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In November of 2001, I was involved in a serious auto accident that resulted in a crush injury to my foot and ankle; both of which would have had to be amputated, had it not been for my husband lying to get me back into the hospital the next day, after they had released me on the assumption that I was only suffering from a broken ankle! As it was a Monday (I was on my way to work when the accident occurred), they originally would not have been able to get me back into the hospital until Friday, to assess my so-called ""broken ankle"". Thank God for my husband, who also knew that it was not a ""broken ankle"", but a crush injury to every part of my foot, but the toes -- as well as to my ankle. Later, I was to find out that my foot was so messed up, that they couldn't determine anything at the time, because the x-rays came out ""fuzzy"" (or so they described it). Once my husband did get me back to the hospital, they got me a hospital room. One doctor after another came into the room, would look at it and tell me that it would need to be amputated, because of the amount of blood blisters that had accumulated over the period of time that it took me to get admitted into the hospital. Because of the negligence exhibited by the ER doctors, it could have cost me my lower leg, until my orthopaedic surgeon came into my room on the fourth day I was there. He took an extensive look at it and determined that my foot and ankle could be saved. So they kept me in the hospital for 3 weeks before the fracture blisters finally subsided and they could then do surgery on my leg. Thank goodness for the normal doses of Heparin, antibiotics and some other meds that they administered to me. I actually had to go through a series of 5 surgeries over the period of the next 5 months, after which I went through rehab for another 6. In early 2007, I had to go through yet another surgery on my foot, due to bones that were not fusing properly (they had to go in, rebreak those bones and fuse them together correctly). That particular surgery was done by another hospital, since my orthopaedic surgeon by that time, had transferred to another hospital to work in cooperation with his brother and another orthopaedic expert. Thank God for those two doctors. Although it may not be much to them, they were the ones who saved my foot and gave me the ability to walk again.