Review content:
There is nothing worse (exaggeration) than driving around on a Saturday night in Santa Monica and not knowing where to eat... eventually after 5 laps around the promenade and countless visits to Opentable, you toss away your foodie-standards and join the mainstream - this is how we ended up at Ma'Kai.
Imagine a hidden antenna somewhere on their roof that broadcasts (like a dog whistle), but at a very low frequency audible only to fans of ""Keeping Up with the Kardassians"", guys looking to score, and gals desperate for love they won't find.
The spicy tuna on crispy rice, you ask? LOL, small crappy little pieces not worth $5 never mind the $14 they charged. The rice was not crispy, the tuna was not fresh, and the jalapeno slice on top was the only reason it could be called 'spicy'.
The shrimp tempura roll - imagine an officer from the Tempura Commission knocking on their door in full uniform and then pointing his finger at the cook and saying, 'How dare you sir... how dare you' - because that is how bad this shrimp tempura roll was. Let me put it this way - if you go to a low-end supermarket and buy a shrimp tempura roll and then leave it in the fridge for a week and then pull it out and leave it on your counter for another week, it would still be better than the shrimp tempura roll at Ma'Kai. Small, weak and feeble. No life, no snap, not hot, not fresh...
I could go on, but I will stop after my mention of the Filet Mignon. Sure I should have known that it was not going to be any good for just $21, but this place is all small plates, so I took a chance. I asked for medium and it came out so raw even the steak knife could not cut it. Plus, I don't remember ever having Filet before with fat on the sides.. total blubberfest. I had to send it back. In fact, if we weren't so hungry and desperate to eat, I would have sent it all back, saving the wine of course (decent glass of pinot.. compliments to the winery, not the restaurant).
Would I ever go back? Do I have any hard feelings for them wasting my time and money? Of course not, I already knew better... we all know better.
Question: Why do big, noisy restaurants surrounded by tourists suck?
Answer: Because they can...
Pros: location
Cons: everything else