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Philadelphia police officers are robbing, extorting, framing, assaulting, murdering felons masquerading as legitimate law enforcement officers. That is according to many of the over 400 Philadelphia cops convicted of crimes just in the prior 30 years, such as Officers John Baird, Robert Snyder, Charles Jacoby, Keith Gidelson, Steven Brown, Thomas Ryan, and Joseph McIntyre. Although pigs usually only squeal after they are caught, some non-convicted cops, such as Officer Ron Previte, have made similar claims. Police-crime victim Dr. Anthony Abrams would no doubt likewise profess the same, except that Philadelphia policemen murdered him on January 16, 2013. That was the day after three inflammatory videos were uploaded about his aggravated assault by cop thug Officer Eric Burke. In 2010, Burke inflicted permanent, debilitating injuries to Abrams, including broken bones, chronic pain, damaged eyesight, and facial disfigurement. In 2011, Abrams received $285,000 to settle his lawsuit for Burke's attack. The uploaded videos apparently enraged Philadelphia cops to the point that they murdered Abrams in retaliation. Naturally, this cold-blooded killing will be covered up by other cop thugs. Burke and his cop brother, James, are recipients of myriad citizen complaints for robbery, perjury, false arrest and aggravated assault, all of which were criminally covered up by Philadelphia's corrupt joke of a police department.