Review content:
Yes, this is hard. Yes, this kicks your a**but afterall, it is called boot camp. I am a beginner from the word go. I am about 25 lbs overweight and haven't worked out regularly in years. I also have a PhD in procrastination and excuse making. Have a hangnail? Cool, can't go to the gym. Had a hard day? Right on, I'll bail the gym so I can polish off a bottle of wine and eat an entire Chipotle burrito. This class has changed me. This class is worth the money, time and effort. A previous review mentioned that for beginners, it is hard. This is true, very true, however, you are not there to compete against your peers; you are there to compete against yourself. I am in my second 5 week class and I can't believe how much progress I have made. I am still the slowest runner and the last one to finish every single time we run, however, I cut an entire minute off of my total run time during the first boot camp. I do not measure my success by comparing it to others. I am the one in the back of the class who has to stop often while those around me are still going but I push through it. I take a lot more breaks than the others and can't do as many reps but for me, just showing up is a success. The instructor at the DTC Evening class, Lori, is amazing. She gets to know your strengths and weeknesses and helps motiviate you every step of the way. The other upside to joining these camps is that you bond so closely with your class. We encourage eachother and focus on what we can do rather than what we can't. We truly become a team by the end of the five weeks. Feel free to show up one night and take the class for free, Garth won't charge you. You will get your butt kicked but we'll all be there to cheer you on-Just look for the chubby chick in the back; the one who is the slowest runner, lifts the least, sweats the most and all around struggles through it-that's me. I just show up and do my best, knowing that the ultimate payoff in the end is losing weight and looking great!
Pros: Challenging, fun, consistent, good value
Cons: Hard workout, hard to go from sedentary to boot camp but you have to start somewhere