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Part 1\r
Government Actions\r
Superior Court of Fulton County State of Georgia Joseph B. Doyle, Administrator Fair Business Practices Act, Complainant vs. Jeremy Wright, individually and Liberty Debt Management, Inc., Respondents\r
February 12, 2007\r
V. The Administrator alleges that the Respondents have used, are using, or are about to use unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of consumer transactions and consumer acts or practices in trade or commerce as declared unlawful by the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (hereinafter ""OCGA""). Specifically, the Administrator alleges that Respondents have committed the following acts or practices:\r
A. Operated a business that provided or offered to provide to Georgia consumers, in exchange for money or other valuable consideration, services that directly involved budget counseling, debt management, and/or negotiating with creditors to effect the adjustment, compromise or discharge of any account, not, or other indebtedness of the debtor (hereinafter ""debt adjustment services""), while charging and collecting fees for said services in an amount greater than allowed under the Debt Adjustment Act, in violation of OCGA 10-1-393(A) and 18-5-2.\r
B. Provided debt adjustment services to Georgia consumers in exchange for money or other valuable consideration, without providing to the Office of Consumer Affairs the documents and information required by OCGA 18-5-3.1(b), in violation of OCGA 10-1-393(a) and 18-5-4 (b)(1).\r
VI. Pursuant to OCGA 10-1-402, which provides that an assurance of voluntary compliance shall not be considered an admission of violation of the FBPA for any purpose, Respondents hereby enter into this Assurance of Voluntary Compliance (""Assurance"") in order to resolve this matter without the necessity of formal legal action.\r
Pros: They will steal your money
Cons: you will be out of your money