Review content:
Do not buy pets from this store. Period. There should be no room for arguement here.
I went into this shop to find some vitamins for my dove. A simple chore. I was greeted by the usual pet-store scent, but it was bright and (at least externally) clean.
Then I saw the animals.
I cannot speak for puppies, because I don't keep them. There were several Dachsund puppies in a large glass terrarium, and other assorted puppies the likes of which I couldn't identify.
The bird aisle was directly across from the main door, so I followed the squaking and found myself confronted with large glass-fronted cages, each housing a separate species.
After passing Sun Conures, Cockatiels and some finches I was confronted by two large Cockatoos. Beautiful birds, I thought. But once I looked closer, I saw that both birds had plucked their breasts completely bare, and that the larger of the two refused to stand on one of his legs. A bad, bad sign.
When I turned away, saddened, from the birds, I saw a medium-sized cage with four kittens. I strolled over, hoping to drown my sorrow in their fluffy innocence, but it was not to be as I planned.
One of the kittens, a pointed medium-hair, was completely and totally unresponsive to all stimulus. I briefely thought it dead until I saw its shallow breathing. I broke my personal values and reached through the cage bars and felt the kitten, and it was GROSSLY underweight.
Of the other three, one was frisky and kitten-ish, one had some nasty drainage going on, especially for a short-hair, and the third... oh the third. Black and white, I assumed. The problem was that it's entire haunch was COVERED in feces and litter. This cat had some major digestive issues that weren't being addressed.
I rushed out of the store, putting my bird's vitamins back in their place because I will not patronize this shop. Ever.
TL;DR: Two very sick kittens and some self-mutilating birds make for a very unfortunate pet-shop experience.