Review content:
TOMMY KNOCKER THEIVES! You do not want to eat or drink here in this Idaho Ravine unless you enjoy getting ripped off. They will cheat you out of your meal money and they will steal your money, your hard earned money off the bar while they gang bang you over a $10 dispute on their bill. The first sad note is they will do this to any customer. I am from just down the road in rural town. I stopped here after a year from skiing. Folks, they will feed on you when you least expect it. Here is how they do it. First, I order from the Happy Hour Menu before it ends promptly at 6 pm on Friday, 2-24-12. I order a double serving of hot wings. The mama bartender takes this order and the last beverage. They do not offer any last calls for happy hours. You better watch your cell phone clock if you want to save a nickel before 6 pm. I eat a few of their fatty wings, finish the flat beer, and ask for the bill. I show them $20. They give me a bill for $24. I ask for the manager because the mama is too busy. He arrives to immediately side with her story and call me a liar for ordering from the Happy Hour Menu. They both claim I ordered like the guy at the end of the bar. I reply, Look, I held this menu in my hand while I ordered and now you are telling me I am making this up? I ordered $14 of food and drink and you are charging me $24. Is it worth the argument in front of your customers? Is it worth receiving this review? The manager became angry. He is tall and has more hair on his face than on his head. He is NOT friendly and should be avoided. Folks, listen, as a 20 year resident of rural Colorado and a professional engineer, there are plenty of fine quick serve restaurants, brew pubs, taverns, and alike with fresh food, drink, and service. You do not need to put yourself through this hell. Folks IT DID NOT END HERE! While I was discussing the bill with this manager and my $20 was still on the bar, he picked it up with my credit card to STEAL my $20 and charge me a disputed $14 from my prime credit card. I am out $34 for 12 fat wings, 2 beers, an argument, and time wasted writing this claim. Tommy Knocker was once a respectful brewery but a corporate THUG must have bought its last honest thought to put a manager to steal from simple customers at their bar in front of all who care. Again, DO NOT STOP HERE UNLESS YOUâ??RE IN TO BEING RIPPED OFF. You have many more character restaurants to choose from below this Idaho ravine to feel rewarded and respected before traveling to the mountains. Do you want to read the worst of it? While this Mad Manager with theft and revenge on his small mind was lifting my $20 off the bar and coercing with the mama tender over the FAT WING DELIVERY to take money off my prime credit card, he told me he wanted respect! I replied, ""You earn respect from customers by servicing their needs and NOT by arguing with them over bone-in versus boneless chicken wing prices as though this were KFC. Maybe it is KFC? Anywhere else along the Front Range or rural Colorado, even Boulder or Metro Denver, you will not be treated like Tommy Knocker trash. Their beer has not been renewed and it does not keep pace with other craft beers. I only stopped for one and was ripped off for the last time in 20 years. DO NOT STOP HERE UNLESS YOU WANT THE SAME THEFT TO SOUR YOUR TRIP TO THE COLORADO MOUNTAINS!!! By the way, the powder skiing today was fantastic. Please enjoy your weekends BUT avoid this place like a deadly avalanche! The single star given to this place is only for the mama who refilled my water but must have felt like her next day off depended on another lie. She earned $2 from me. Total price for me was $36. Do you want to join the club or just keep right on driving?