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PRAY!! before you people enter this county!!! My family and I are victims, in which, we hardly planted our roots in the soil before we had to pluck them right back out of the ground! Cast the D. A. demons out, in the name of Jesus!!!! My father was convicted for sexually molesting me when I was 8 years old. I went to the doctor for burning of urination because I self-inflicted a cut on my genital. I went to the ER and the ER doctor did a pelvic exam and lo and behold he then called CPS! That was the biggest mistake ever in my life!! This happened 25 years ago and we are still!! fighting this. We will NOT give up. I encourage all of you who are going through something to stand up and fight these wicked people of this wicked system. When CPS was called, I did not return home again until 10 years later at the age of 18. The caseworker interrogated me for hours. How long should one talk to an 8 year-old child! but that's okay, we've got something for her and as for the doctor who was basically fresh out of school at the time (2 years) as a pediatrician, good Lord! Pray for him. We've caught lies in his testimony, police report, and affidavit. Neither he nor the CPS worker cannot get their lies straight. When you lie, it'll eventually catches up with you until you can't lie anymore. We had a hearing on this matter and they STILL lied some more. It's sad how CPS used children to lie to get a case to support Bell County's demonic system, then when you take them to court they tend to look stupid. My father was imprisoned for 17 years for a crime that he never committed and to this day he is entitled to wear an ankle bracelet. Texas appears to let their employees run all over this state and I mean run rampant. Everybody seems to do what the hell they want to. Killeen needs to be investigated, but nobody gives two stones about it. Bell County also appears to make a great deal of their money off of the criminal system. They just got done building another jail. How many damn jails do they need to use?? I guess! Just as long as the taxpayers want to see convictions then that's what they'll get. CPS kept me away from my family because I was going back telling them stuff that CPS was saying and doing. CPS also threatened my mother and then said she assisted my father with the abuse. CPS also tried to charge her with neglect. Let me tell you how stupid these law people in Killeen are. If my mother so-called neglected me, why the hell did she take time out to take me to the ER? The doctor who examined me not one time showed my parents his ""findings"". My family and I were better off having stayed in Germany. Out of all branches of the military we just had to have been in the Army! which happens to be stationed in KILLEEN! In my opinion, to me, D.A. stands for devil's advocates or demon assistants! I used to call them Dumb Asses, but that's too light. We also just learned that during the 1980's, there was something called a WITCH HUNT project that was going on at the time all across the U.S. targeting poor families. I suppose for us, being new to Texas, being black, we didn't know the system, and the fact that we are black told them that we were broke was prime target. I just have to fell sorry for their families who they go home to at the end of the day. If you guys who are going through anything, I strongly encourage you to hire a lawyer that's outside of Bell County, in which, you would have to anyway, because in my opinion, I have learned that some of the lawyers that are in Bell County will RUN from you! God bless!\r
Continuing to be strong!