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Well, if your looking to have your car towed, you can take your pick as to what type of driver you wish to have. Fist choice a few child molestores, second a handfull of convicts, or ya can have some active drug users. Rest assured, APT will tow your car for you, just make sure you have full coverage insurance, a good lawyer and a camera, cause when they are done towing it, your gona need a laywer.\r
With a owner that acts like a child screaming at drivers on the radio with rude comments and treating business owners like crap, no wonder they have the worst reputation in the state and have to constantly keep changing the name of the company. With all the good professional tow operators that have passed through the doors, after a short time quit. I could go on and on, yet as a former driver with over 18 years in the field, I think it was the biggest mistake in my entire life to work at APT. I now work for a reputable tow company and now, anytime I deliver a car to a shop, the business are almost begging for us to take over the towing for them so they can drop APT.\r
SO, if your cracked out of your mind, on the best drugs on the planet and dont care anything about your car ever again? sure, call APT, they are desperate for your business, in fact, they will under bid anyone to get your business. Good luck, make sure ya have your insurance company and lawyer on speed dial, youll need it.