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You will be guided through easy, gentle, slow-motion movments that relax tight muscles, strengthen weak ones, and improve coordination. You will become more flexible and learn how to move pain free & lessen your stress. If you can breathe, you can enjoy learning how to move with greater ease. \r
Hanna Somatic Education Can:\r
Release and reverse neuromuscular\r
pain (chronic and acute)\r
Improve mobility, strength and\r
Eliminate the need for guarding to\r
protect injured areas\r
Improve physical fitness\r
Create a new freedom of movement\r
Ease breathing\r
Improve athletic skills\r
Provide a new sense of awareness \r
and control in your life\r
10 months after the loss of my husband of 37 yrs, I was brutally attacked and left for dead. My injuries were extensive... 6 broken ribs, collapsed lung, bruised heart, damaged psoas muscles, major soft tissue damage to entire back. Ortho docs said surgery was my ONLY hope. I adamantly refused. Tried every modality known to man with no success. My pain level was a steady 7+ and could spike to a 10 without notice. The pain was winning as my ability to walk rapidly degenerated. I discovered Hanna Somatics and found Eduardo Barrera. He is a gentle, compassionate being and his ability, skills, knowledge and Somatic talents are endless. My very first appt I was hooked on Somatics for the rest of my life. I walked in with a pain level of 7-8 and walked out with it reduced to 4. The Somatic movements are so slowly done in such a gentle way, they are a complete joy to do. As Ed guides you through the movements, he records the session on disc which you take home to use to further your improvement and healing.\r
I urge everyone with trauma, injuries, stress, bad backs, etc to give Ed and Somatics JUST ONE TRY. You will be as thankfully grateful as I am. After all, what have you got to lose????\r
Pros: Learn pain free living, ease of movement and new control of life. Great location, super ambience.
Cons: Absolutely NONE!!