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Hmmm, the TL...of course there are alot of men from the military that go there-for one, it's next door to the Navy base, and two, wherever club you go to in San Diego, about 85 to 90 percent of men you're going to meet are in the military. What's wrong with that? It's a freakin' job! At least these men/women are working, not doing stupid sh@#! The TL must be doing well, because it's been open for what, over 30 years or so? Isn't that the oldest club in San Diego that's still going strong? So, someone must be doing something right! The Lounge is no different from any club you go to anywhere! All clubs are meat-markets, and if someone tells you different they're full of sh@#! And at least with The Lounge, the women are straight to the point of what they want. Granted, most of the women are Asians, Filipinos, and even Mexicans, but the men must love that because they keep coming back, regardless if just wanting to take someone home or just having a good time. C'mon, any club you go to, you can get lucky! The cover charge is cheap, you don't have to worry about paying for parking, they play good dance music, you can go Friday, Saturday, OR even Sunday, and still have a good time-regardless if you meet someone or not. The place isn't so bad. Try it out once, if you haven't been there, and you'll know it's no different from any club you go to in San Diego.
Pros: Assortment of good dance music, cheap cover charge, parking, and good service
Cons: The appearance of the club-needs ALOT of renovation/facelift! The place looks old and rundown