Review content:
The Britton Center is by far the most negligent, unprofessional, and cold-hearted health care operation that I have ever encountered.
Supposedly in business to alleviate the suffering of those dealing with chronic pain (etc,), from my brief encounter with them, they appear to me to be completely indifferent to those in need.
After waiting for almost two months for a first appointment, today the day finally arrived. My appointment was scheduled for 9:30am, but I was asked to be there an hour early. No emphasis was placed on this being urgent, nor that exact punctuality was CRITICAL.
That said, I woke up and got ready and left for my appointment at 8:00am. After a some traffic delays, I arrived at the office shortly before 8:30 but found no parking spots on either side of the road in front of the medical building that the Britton Center is located in. Circling the block, I found a spot on the opposite side of the block, hung up my handicap parking tag and walked around to the offices as quickly as I was able. Checking my cell phone as I entered the medical building, it was by then 8:33am.
I entered the office less than a minute later, and after waiting for the receptionist to finish with a gentleman ahead of me, told her who I was and what time my appointment was. Leaning on her hand and looking bored throughout our very short conversation, she told me that my ""appointment had been canceled."" When I asked why, she informed me that it was because I was late. I told her that my appointment was for 9:30 and she responded that I was to be there at 8:30 and, turning her head to see a clock, pronounced, ""it is now 8:35"" and told me that the doctor did not allow being late.
This attitude is obscenely callus and completely unconscionable. I went their seeking help for relief from chronic pain (pain so severe that I am now being treated for depression), and this clinic dismissed me as if I were a nuisance not worth giving a second thought to.
Even if my GP asks me to, and no matter how bad the pain gets, I will not submit myself again to the whims of this thoughtless and uncaring medical practice.