Review content:
As an avid dancer of many years, who two years ago sought to improve my dance with studio instruction, I say without qualification: “Uptown Dance is the Best studio in Austin.”\r
Uptown’s owners: Carson & Kristy Watson, and Sherry & Kevin Reynolds, are also instructors, and in both capacities, they provide a knowledge of dance excellence second to none, and I believe, even more importantly, instruction supported by a daily hands on warm family atmosphere of acceptance, nurturing, and always - light hearted Fun.\r
( This key atmosphere was lacking, from my direct personal experience, at the other large Austin dance studio. )\r
In addition, Uptown’s pricing is more competitive than other studios, their social dances are definitely more varied, and unlike their competition, Uptown has live bands and fabulous visiting instructors, regularly, in addition to their other staff instructors who compliment the owners’; and, Uptown’s studio “outings into the wild” - to the floors of the club dance scenes, occur most often, of all the studios.\r
However, it is Uptown’s fabulous 4,200 square foot dance floor, coupled with their song selections during social dances that encourages one to enjoy all of the 20 or so different dance steps which Uptown teaches, that is the singularly unique aspect, that keeps me coming back for more.\r
Austin Uptown Dance Studio is our town’s premier studio.\r
Edward Baxter\r
May 2011\r