Review content:
Yeah, this place was pretty skeezy. I mean, the classes looked good enough from the couple of minutes I was able to observe... But the other reviews are spot on about their pushy sales techniques. I really really disliked that. The guy who tried to get me to sign up, he first handed me a book of testimonials saying that every month they asked former students to write in and say how well they're doing... Granted, the reviewers were doing well, but the testimonials did not seem only a month old, the paper was yellowing at the edges.
After I found out how much the classes were ($900??), he arrogantly explained how he doesn't have to hide the price because the testimonials are so good. Yeah, okay, that's why you wouldn't tell me the prices over the phone and I had to travel in for this pushy interview, right?
When I said I'd have to check back in the next couple of days because of how pricey it was, he got even more pushy, exclaiming ""Oh, you have to take them in the next 15 minutes, seats are going fast!"" Oh, please, you'd take my money no matter how long I took to decide.
I think what the last straw was that in the middle of the interview, somebody called him, and he took the call, later explaining it was his ex-wife and he the proceeded to explain to me how he married her when she was 18 and he was in his 30s, and how he's now dating somebody his daughters age because he can't stand older women. Okay, seriously, if you're going to try and charm somebody to overpay for your lousy bar classes, I'd recommend not disgusting them with your sexism. Thanks.
Oh, and finally, after looking at this site, I am convinced that most of these positive reviews are fake. They are just too extreme, it's either five stars and an outstanding review with no cons, or one star with people who are upset about their tactics and their job placement.
Pros: None.
Cons: Oh, a good deal.