Review content:
This company should be sued. A bunch of scoundrels out to rip you off. Before you are ""allowed"" to sign up, you have to endure a screening process with a one-on-one interview. What a joke. They just want to find out if you can pay the $1600 or sometimes more if they can get it, plus monthly fees. The concept seemed good, but they do NOT have quality members like they claim. I expected, professional people with good jobs and a life looking to meet people and socialize and/or date. Once I went to a few ""events"" I was convinced that this was a scam, a rip-off with a no refunds policy. The events, if that's what they call them, consisted of going to anyplace you could go anyway, bars mostly. Hate to be cruel, but a lot of the members were down right ugly losers, unemployed or under employed grunts. It was not a good experience. I went to maybe 15 ""events"" and none of them were actually fun and the members were shy and introverted. I met a few ""new"" members on their first event and they were not happy. If you MUST try this for yourself, negotiate a 3 month ONLY contract, make one payment and do not authorize them to continually charge your credit card. Better yet, ask for a week free trial and you will be shown the door. Sincerely, don't bother with these people, you are better off just hanging out somewhere and introducing yourself to people. Protect yourself, do not allow them access to your credit card. If you try to cancel your payments or your credit card, they will submit your bill to a collection agency and try to ruin your credit. That did not happen to me, but I heard it several times from other ""members"" who had enough.
Pros: Seriously, there are no Pros.
Cons: Misleading Staff, over controlling unbreakable contract, unattractive members, lies, extra continuing costs, worthless ""events"" I can go on and on