Review content:
This is likely the worst retail location I've ever been to. I've been here five times in the past two years. The first four times were bad but tolerable, and consisted of me being blatantly ignored by staff for upwards of five minutes while they carry on personal conversations in the back office (despite them seeing me in the store and even making eye contact).
The most recent experience was far worse though. I had been quoted $28 at the post office to ship a flat poster box, so I decided to come to the UPS Store to see if they had a better price. The employee, Mario, weighed and measured the package and quoted me $16 and change. At this point I noticed that the box I had wasn't terribly sturdy. I asked if they happened to sell boxes in this shape and size to see if they had a better option for a couple dollars. Mario, without saying a word, grabbed two pieces of scrap cardboard from a garbage pile and taped them to the outside of the box to prevent it from bending.
Initially, I thought that I might actually be having a good experience at this store for once. Then Mario re-weighed and measured the package, acted surprised, and said the price jumped up to $29.09 because of the extra weight. Since it wasn't a big difference from the post office's quote, I said to just go ahead and ship it, at which point Mario told me he'd also charge me $3 for the cardboard scraps.
When I got home and looked at the receipt, I saw the issue. The actual shipping cost had jumped to $17.34 (which was expected for the small increase in weight), but there was an additional handling fee that was manually added to the price in the amount of $11.75.
I tried contacting the UPS Store customer service about this, so they passed my information to the store owner, asking that he contact me directly to resolve the issue. Instead of actually contacting me, the owner replied via email just to the UPS Store customer service group. I spoke to them today to follow up and see what was going on (it has been about three weeks since the initial complaint).
The rep on the phone read to me the owner's email, which contained several lies about the situation. The store owner claimed Mario had offered to remove the cardboard to bring the price back down, and he claimed that the cardboard was some sort of high-grade cardboard that they generally sell on the sales floor. Additionally, despite having never even spoken to me directly, he called me grumpy and made a number of other personal attacks against me.
The rep on the phone was thankfully so appalled by this email, she took care of refunding me the additional handling fee and the cardboard charge as a result. She also lodged a formal complaint against this location and explained that these complaints are considered when the store comes up for franchise renewal. If there are enough complaints, they may not be allowed to renew the franchise. If anyone else has had such bad experiences at this location, please contact th