Review content:
I felt compelled to write a note in defense of the negative comments on this site. I was a volunteer for Judy for about a year several years ago so I do have first hand experience regarding all of the operations by Judy.\r
First and foremost, and take this into strong consideration, you have no idea how overwhelmed this organization is. They ""receive"" dozens of animals a week, just ""dropped off."" Never is a one turned away, no matter how sick or old. The Humane Society will take them, but most are put to sleep. I do support the Humane Society, but they have funding beyond anything that this organization has. As far as I know, unless the case is severe, no animal is put to sleep. \r
Judy LOVES animals, to a fault! She works 24/7 without complaint. She keeps going under the most difficult circumstances because to her, it IS all about the animals. Judy is, most of the time rough around the edges. No doubt. But you must try to put yourself in her shoes. She is overwhelmed. The reason the applications are so long is that they really are trying to find out the most that they can about a potential adoptee, as they should. While you yourself may have great intentions, I can't tell you how many people do not!\r
Her volunteers also have their hearts in the right places and work very hard. Many of them are fostering a dozen animals themselves at their own home. If I had to deal with just half of what they did I would be cranky at times too. I had just happened to be in a store one Saturday and went over to see the animals and they were bombarded. I simply asked if I could help and immediately jumped right in. As someone said on this site, don't be the additional problem, be the solution.\r
I went to pick up a dog one day from an elderly owner who could no longer care for her 12 year old Golden.\r
The woman was in tears. The Golden was overweight and had some health issues. I thought to myself, ""well, this is one they will never be able to adopt out.""\r
Six weeks later I was in a store and saw the same Golden up for adoption. She didn't even look the same! She had lost weight, her fur had filled in and was beautifully groomed, she was on medication for her diabetes. I was shocked. Not too long after that, I was told the Golden had been adopted. Who else would even attempt to find this lovely older animal a new home?\r
That is simply one of many stories.\r
Someone mentioned that she was nothing more than a glorified pet hoarder. That is far from the truth. Is is ok that these animals are taken to a shelter and put to sleep? Or given a chance? Only you can decide the answer to that. The same also mentioned that she would tell everyone about her experience and that no one should donate money to this organization. I would challenge this person to go volunteer for a week. Take in a few fosters go to their shelter and see what they have to deal with, then come back and write a review. I\r
can guarantee you that it would not be the same review. And if your opinion remains the same, please, for the animals sake that she is saving, do no harm. Because right now, that is what you are doing and the animals suffer due to your uninformed and short sighted opinion.\r
I you are looking to really make a difference,\r
please adopt from Judy. Or sponosr a pet, or foster a pet or volunteer. You may not always feel you had the best customer service experience, many times you will. But the LIFE you are saving is worth it.\r
They are doing the best they can under extremely difficult circumstances. \r
Their's is an impossible job which few would ever undertake. Very emotionally and financially draining. \r
Judy has little time to always be bright and cheery nor train every volunteer, nor be on top of all the paperwork, but her heart is beyond in the right place and she IS saving animals. And THAT is what this organization is all about!