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Florida Floors and Decor Corp., which is located at 2900 NW 79 AVENUE, MIAMI FL 33122 and is presided over by Murat KIROGLU (who also is involved with Mega Group International, Wholesale Mosaics, and IZOPOLI GROUP, LLC) supplied this travertine for installation around a pool in Idaho. Notice that the travertine is installed in cement around the pool edge, on a sand and gravel base with the pool decking, and on plain ground with the stepping stones. In ALL cases the travertine has cracked and disintegrated. This occurred during the winter months, less than a year after the travertine was installed. The employees of Murat Kiroglu's various companies have claimed that his product is freeze thaw tested, however no one has produced any proof of this, and it is obvious that it can not withstand an Idaho winter that never even reached sub-zero temperatures.
Murat Kiroglu has refused to remedy this situation. In fact, he refuses to take my phone calls. He referred the matter to his attorney, Robert Seronne, who on April 24, 2008 stated ""We are actively looking into this situation."" As of July 3, 2008 there is no indication that Murat Kiroglu intends to refund the purchase price or send replacement pavers, which is what a reputable dealer would do. There is no indication that Murat Kiroglu even cares that he supplied travertine pavers that are now disintegrating and useless, and dangerous. Instead of working with the consumer of his product, he hides behind an attorney. Buyer Beware.
Before buying travertine, especially travertine from Turkey, investigate the supplier. Check to ensure that the travertine is not originating from a warehouse in Miami. Poor quality travertine can not withstand freezing temperatures. A reputable supplier will stand behind his product. Murat Kiroglu has not.
Update November 6, 2009: A representative from Izopoli Group (954) 616-0772 located at 3895 PEMBROKE ROAD, HOLLYWOOD, FL 33023 called me today to threaten to sue me if I did not take down the website. The woman on the phone appeared to be translating for a man in the background who I assumed was Mr. Kiroglu. Their product shipped from their warehouse fell apart because it was an inferior product and not suitable for use in freezing temperatures. Rather than fixing the problem and honoring their warranty they are wasting their time and money, threatening to sue their customer and continuing to sell product that should not be used in this country.
Cons: Travertine Cracked and Disintegrated