Review content:
I live on base at Hill AFB, and Boyer Hill is horrible. They allow one tenant to do something but tell another that they will give them 'special permission' to do the very same thing. In fact, they change the rules to accommodate Boyer Hill employees WHO SHOULDN'T BE LIVING ON BASE ANYWAY. They promise thick 'turf grass' lawns, and after at least 3 passes spraying hydro seed, and after more than 2 years living on base, we finally have something resembling a lawn, but it is nothing close to what they promised. Half of our backyard is bald still. Yet, the houses built after ours get sod, so their lawns are much more thick and full. In fact, they suggested that WE buy seed and add it to our lawns ourselves! That would be fine, if they hadn't promised that they would take care of grass growth on our lawns. Their sprinkler system over-waters lawns to the point that some are flooded and growing mold. Workers are so frequently seen repairing or working on something that one wonders why they didn't just get it right the first time. We have experienced more power outages in 2 years here than in 10 years of renting! Every time a stiff wind blows, the power goes out, and they can neither be reached, nor do they take any responsibility for those with special needs during the power outage. When they are reached, all they can offer is the party line but, for a change, they don't make any promises that they can't deliver. Whilst the military mandates that officers and enlisted should not socialize, Boyer Hill makes no effort to separate the groups in housing, and in fact, puts them together much of the time, creating problems. Higher ranking officials are given the same size house as lower ranking officials, which would be fine if they weren't paying a much higher housing allowance, so in effect two people could be living in exactly the same size house and be paying wildly different rates. I can't even list here all the times that they have made promises that they have then reneged on. In short, no military will want to live on base here in 10 years. That is my prediction
Pros: On base
Cons: Frequent power outages, cheaply built but expensive