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New and used music stores seem to be going the way of the 8-track tape. We've lost Ozone three times now (the original, Ozone UK, and O3), Turn Around Sound, Django's, Tower, and now Music Millennium West. Now could not be a better time to praise a mainstay, Everyday Music. In the ten years I've shopped at EM, I've seen staff come and go. For the most part, they are knowledgeable about music across the board. I once witnessed a customer hum a song to the clerk, who in turn called the Sandy store and hummed it to the clerk on the other end, trying to figure out what that song was until another customer chimed in with the answer. That moment alone breaks down the rather impersonal warehouse-like vibe. EM hits it for being open late everyday. Although vast, the selection ebbs and flows depending on the used cd selection, and if you come up empty one day, two days later you may have found everything you wanted and more. Take a careful look; I often find the CD I came for not on the racks, but below in the overstock. The wall of used DVD's rotates as do the used CD's so check back often. EM also carries new and used vinyl, and the time I found the Repo Man soundtrack on cassette for a buck fifty made my night. With Music Millennium West about to be history, the always anticipated in-store goes with it. It'd be nice if EM made some space for touring bands to put on a short set. With the Crystal Ballroom just across the street, you know bands are stopping in anyhow to grab a couple of new tunes for the tour bus. EM is a recommended trip for all types of music, and time for browsing (and listening) is mandatory.
Pros: Vast rotating selection of CD's, low-priced ""Skufs,"" sell used CD's, DVD's and Vinyl. Always check the promo bins at the counter!
Cons: None, really. Maybe parking, but I live close enough to walk, so nya nya...