Review content:
The store is nice. They have it set up in a way that you can walk around in circles and still see things you hadn't seen before. You can sit in a massage chair and watch TV and eat cookies and drink fresh brewed coffee and lemonade.
You buy your furniture from the friendly, conversational salesmen, and go on home.
Then when you go to actually receive the furniture you bought, the entire experience is like a nightmare.
We bought a sectional in January and paid for delivery. They came a couple days later and brought the whole shebang--love seat, couch, chaise, and cushions..... All except one. They forgot to grab the back cushion for our chaise lounge and apologized profusely, said they'd bring it by on the weekend.
No one showed.
I gave it a week, then called. After being put on hold for half an hour, I was told by the customer service rep that she'd call me back tomorrow after she got a reply about the E-mail she was forced to send to the warehouse.
No one called. I waited another week or so, and called back.
Same thing. ""I'll call you back before X time today."" No call. I called back and asked what was up. Put on hold for another half an hour or so (and they NEVER change the muzak!! Same song over and over again until your ears start to bleed.), only to be told ""I had to write them an E-mail, I'll get back to you tomorrow.""
No call.
I waited another while, called back. Put on hold. ""I'll call you before X time today.""
No call.
I called back (it is now mid-April, I've been waiting for this cushion for over 4 months now). Put on hold for another half hour or so.
Customer Service: ""Okay, I finally got ahold of the warehouse. They said it'll be another 6 weeks.""
Me: ""Uhh.....""
Customer Service: ""HAHA!! Just kidding!""
Me: ""Oh.. heh. I was about to scream.""
Customer Service, still laughing: ""No, they're shipping the cushion out tomorrow via FedEx; it should be there on Thursday.""
Thursday comes--no package.
Next Wednesday rolls around, here comes FedEx with a poorly packed cardboard box, puffing out the top and over-taped. It is the elusive chaise cushion.
""FINALLY!"" I yell, and begin to pull the squished up pillow from the small box... and then I stop.
It is the wrong color. My couch is khaki--this cushion is chocolate brown.
I grab my phone and call again. Get put on hold with a different customer service rep this time (it's a male now, it was a female all the other times), and it only takes 5 minutes for him to come back and say the warehouse is closed today and he'll call me back on Friday.
Here I sit, with my mismatched, scrunched up, belated cushion--and a huge grudge.