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Fridge stopped working.
He sounded good on the phone, and even when he showed up. Good rates, guaranteed, licenced and the sort.
Told us over the phone that there was a $55 service for coming out. Said the problem was a $65 problem, but didn't have the item on him. (the Sears repair-guy had the item on his truck, said it was very common). So not a problem, $120 sounded reasonable. Told us no, it was going to cost $175 because he had to come back out, and it would take a couple of days because it was hard to find. We gave him a check for the $120 with a remaining balance of $55, even though he didn't need to charge for the second visit. Shows up on New Years Eve to tell us that the compressor had burned out as well and that he would have to order it, for another $320, plus an additional service fee of $55. So since we have been without a fridge for 10 days, we reluctantly agreed. Grand total $540. Next came the call on Jan. 7 while we were out of town. Sergio said he made a mistake and that the compressor was going to cost an additional $200.
We told him he was trying to rip us off. I love his response, ""Well I don't work for free, I work for a living."" Really? Because at our house our computer prints the money for us to give away to crooked repair guys. We told him he had no integrity and that we wanted our money back. We told him it was his lack of business fortitude to know what something was going to cost before he gave his 4th inaccurate quote. He complained that times were tough, and it was hard to make ends meet. We said we didn't trust him to do the work even at that price.... Thats called lack of integrity Sergio. We went back and forth, and he agreed to refund us $80 and that we could keep the $65 part he bought for us. He agreed to meet me at a McDonalds at 4pm, showed up in 2011 black Cadillac and pulled out a grip of 100s, asked if I had a twenty and said..... ""Well I don't work for free, I work for a living."" I asked him for the part, he said he forgot it, but would bring it by in the morning. Well two calls and two months later he has yet to find his way back here. He left the fridge pulled apart with pieces all over!
Thank you, you hard working man.