Review content:
The trip was a good price for everything it had with it. Only good thing. The snowboarding sucked because the mountains had no snow, they cant control that i understand that. The things that sucked were that it was pretty much a trip of really immature young kids with fake id's. They brought all kinds of drugs with them, and were very inconsiderate when smoking their weed. On our bus trip from Phoenix to Reno, i went to sleep. When i woke up the bus smelled terrible like marijuana. I get drug tested for work so i wasnt cool with that. You arent even supposed to smoke on the bus, but i guess smart college kids think they dont have to apply by the rules of public transportation. It was a really weird group of kids on the trip , that seemed like they were starving for attention or something. There is a difference between having a good time and just being dumb. Most of what i seen was kids just being dumb. They got a good deal on the trip and repaid the hotel by trashing a whole floor, setting off M-80s inside their rooms, and fighting. SWAT security was alos on the trip but apparently didnt know how to do their jobs. I got harrassed by them one night before going to bed when my buddies and i were standing in the hallway with our door open talking. THey told us we had to have our doors shut. Which isnt a rule by the hotel, At the same time, the room across from us was partying until seven every morning, smoking weed, had like fifty people in their and they never broke anything up. They also showed up to a room when there was a fight going on and just watched and did nothing since they were outnumbered. WHat is the point in having security for SWAT if they do nothing at all. I think SWAT needs to be better about checking ID's so people who dont know how to handle themselves with partying yet dont die. We seen one young kid getting dragged back to his room, through the casino and he was unresponsive. He looked like he had OD'd on something. Never knew what happened with him, but someday someone is going to get hurt really bad from lack of care on enforcing laws. I hope that kid was alright, and i hope one of his buddies was smart enough to watch after him to make sure he was alright. He looked like someone who definitely needed medical attention, but doubt he got any. The dates at the time of sign up were also wrong. When i signed up the trip said it was Friday through Monday. I didnt get an e-mail saying when the bus was leaving until Thursday, and the bus was leaving Friday morning at 0200. I would have liked to know that a little more in advance. I took off work through Monday, but when we got to Reno we got a packet saying we werent leaving until Monday at 1100. We made it back to Phoenix at 0330, so i had to call and request an extra day off. Knowing that kind of information from the beginning would have also been useful. If you are into high school parties, containing lots of drugs this is for you. If you like to have a good time, stay away from drugs, and hang out with people who are considerate of others, and others' property i would not go on a trip through these guys.