Review content:
I don't know what happened between July of 2009 and July of 2010, but Chef Mark does not seem to work there anymore. We dealt only with Brigitte, and it was a very unpleasant experience.
Don't get me wrong. The reception went off perfectly, for which my new wife and I are VERY happy. The food was very good; and her staff was kind, courteous, and attentive (though we heard stories about what they were saying when they thought they were out of earshot); but Brigitte herself, throughout the rest of the process, was grossly unprofessional.
Not a single invoice was correct. Even the final invoice (which we were given the morning of our wedding), which we ended up paying, had errors. Every invoice she gave us had something incorrect (usually creating a larger payment than we should have been paying), and when we asked her to fix it, she would send us an invoice with something else that had been correct, now misquoted. We had over a dozen invoices all said ... not one correct. The final payment for her service was requested not of me, but of my mother (who had nothing to do with setting this up) after the reception had ended and we had left. My mother was not given an invoice (not that it would have been correct anyway) to confirm what she was paying for, she was simply given an amount to pay. Brigitte didn't have anything with which to accept a credit card, so my mother ended up writing all of her credit card information down on a slip of paper for Brigitte to take back with her. With identity theft running amok in this country, this is not acceptable.
Brigitte claims to be the go-between for the rentals, and we were more than happy to give her that responsibility and save ourselves from it, but in retrospect, we should have done it ourselves. When asked what time the rental company would be returning the next day to pick up the rentals, the response was ""I don't know."" As it turns out, the rental company called us at 7:30 a.m. the first morning of our honeymoon to notify us that they were on-site and ready to pick up the rentals. Needless to say we were not pleased to be awakened to deal with logistics on our honeymoon when someone else was supposed to wear that mantle.
When we spoke with Brigitte to let her know our upset, the reply we received was full, not of apology, but of justification for her actions and a request for more money to tip her staff (who deserved it, and I wish we could have) and for a positive testimonial for her website. Clearly, she won't be receiving that testimonial.
All said, if we could do it over again, we'd rather potluck our wedding than hire Hospitality Catering again.