Review content:
Alejo's may be hard to park at, it may not be ""foofy"" enough for most LA'ers who consider ambience a category, pshaw, you can't eat decor. The pizza kicks bum because ""big brother"" won't let me say a... I don't know if it's precisely NYC style but it reminds me of both the best pizza in Queens, Brooklyn and honestly Cleveland. Perfect crust, not too thick or thin with toppings and sauce SANDWICHED b/t fresh mozzarella. The pepperoni is real, it gets greasy and crispy and YUMMY. Dear lord people its animal fat, you can process it, eat it!!! I swear this is why everyone's skin, hair and nails are so nasty out here, this place uses butter, cream, olive oil and meat. YUM.......It's clean, neighborhood blue collar friendliness must be what puts people in LA off to this place. I never felt a wait. They look AT you, say hello, seat you and GIVE YOU TIME TO ENJOY the person you're with, the menu, your feet up for the first time that day. . . . .. I guess most of the folks who go here and complain haven't done a hard day's work to enjoy a relaxing, tasty, homemade meal Grazia Alejo's for making us happy full and not broke!!! GO NOW!
Pros: Food, PIZZA, pasta, sauces, dear lord the bread and flan
Cons: Ambience doesn't make food taste good dorks, it doesn't count