Review content:
I have shopped at this particuliar Hy-Vee for 14 years -straight. 1 evening, I came in to the store around midnight over the Thanksgiving week-end. When I was the 'bread-aisle', the night stockers were uncrating and 1 if them, a man, mad several rude comments to me. He was being very skanky to me, he asked me to be friendly to him, why was' I not speaking to him, why 'you so cranky to me' -'I know why you so cranky lady, I got what you need lady to make happy"".. needless to say, I felt very scared and went up to the checkout lane, asked for the manager, this wierd looking guy that worked there, claimed the manager was gone. I called in to the store a few days later and spoke with the store director. Him and I had several conversations about this incident. He basically made it out like I was lying about all of this and wanted me to tell him the name of the man that said these things to me, I told him he was of hispanic heritage and he did not have a name tag on. The store director, said 'oh it must have been another shopper'.. I said 'no' it was your employee, he wore a black Hy-vee shirt that stated 'night crew' or night shift. there was no name tag. The store director, said all his employees wear name tags, this is a LIE!! The night stockers do not wear name tags. At least that night, they had no name tags on whatsoever. He claimed he had too many employees, abt. 280 he could not know all of them. He said he had no hispanic men working there, another LIE. HE claimed in the first phone call, in his 29 yrs. experience -he has never had this happen before. In the follow-up phone call, which I had to make, he did not call me back like he promised, he then claimed, 'Oh I have had several times in my management career where I have had to deal with sexual harrassment' What a bum!!