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We (native Staten Islanders -(1955 and 1963) and our pets have been life-long clients of Bay St. Animal Hospital, and have known Drs. Cohen and Cavallaro since they were at Rosebank Vets ? since 1988. They have SHARED our experiences with our pets throughout their lives. Our previous dogs, Honey and Barkley, were very well cared for by the doctors and staff. In addition, our families have been clients as well, with their own pets, for many years. (They still speak glowingly of the relationships.) These vets took the time to offer the best possible treatments, without us spending a fortune on unnecessary surgeries, etc. that would have been so traumatic for our pets. Instead, they helped us to be well-informed pet owners, and were ALWAYS there for us when we needed help or had a question. Especially when it matters most. When each of our dogs became terminally ill, the most important thing they conveyed was the quality of life (for whatever remaining time) and helped us through those awful, awful times. Our first dog Honey (age 11) spared us from ?making the decision?. She passed away on her own, but we were COMFORTED to know that she was under the best of care in their hands (Dr. Cavallaro). When we saw her to say goodbye, she looked very peaceful, tucked in blankets to keep her comfortable. Most of all, we knew that SHE FELT SAFE with them! We received condolence card, and even their own pets comforted us as well! When our second dog Barkley was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma at 12 years of age, we were never pushed into expensive surgeries or treatments, but to give him the best affordable care possible and keep him happy. That was their goal ? NOT the money! When it came time to say ?goodbye?, Dr. Cohen was absolutely wonderful and caring, and so was the staff. We never thought that we could withstand the experience of euthanasia for our pets, but this was a positive experience (if you can call it that). All that mattered was our pet?s comfort and ?easy transition?. Every step was explained to us before and after. They even gave each of us a card with his paw print and a lock of his fur to keep. Now tell me if that does not demonstrate caring!! They were so thoughtful and understanding, and we will never forget that, ever. Now our current shelter dogs Chyna and Jericho (littermates) are patients as well. These dogs have their own ?issues? and are not that easy to work with. Nevertheless, it is ?no big deal? and they receive the care and exams (and grooming) that they need. Although they are not the best patients, any problems are taken into consideration on the pets? individual needs. And they don?t push our pets past their comfort zone, or stress them out. As a result, by now, they are a bit more confident going to the vet/groomer and like the attention they receive. (Even though our pets are still a handful!) WE UNDERSTAND THE FEELINGS OF ALL PET PARENTS. But PLEASE remember that the vets and staff have a difficult job working with patients who can?t tell them what hurts, and their (understandably) upset human families. And in the worst case scenarios, these professionals are extremely affected as well. We know. We have seen it. Could anyone deal with daily heartbreaks such as they endure? I think not. And yet the pull themselves together, and with a deep breath (I?m sure) have to move on to treat the next patients, giving their full concentration. I would HIGHLY recommend Bay Street Animal Hospital to every caring ?pet-parent? and their ?fur-babies? !!