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What will make this Movie more interesting than any other marvel movie is the ""Plot"" and that's sticking to the bio of the character ""Ororo Munroe a.k.a Storm"".Allow us to believe that Halle is the character by bringing back the features and recognition of Storm (White Hair, blue eyes, dark skin, and Kenyan accent),and give Stan Lee and Cockrum their props for making Storm. Halle Berry might not be dark skin, because she is our modern day Storm, and she is the only actress up for grabs and she seems to be more dedicated now than ever. She and the portrayed character deserves this personal screentime and I'll be the first one to know if it's in development (making). This will probably make more money than ""Xmen Origins: Wolverine "", and my money is on Storm movie. This will bring Marvel Inc. back to the top depending on who directs and produce. My major point to this meaningful opinion is to allow 20th Century Fox consider this everyones wildest of dreams. The whole point of Storm being created and born (first appearance 1975) was to allow her to stand out from the crowd, and she was born with an attitude of a leader. Do not get me wrong she is an Xman, but before she became an Xman known as Storm, she was Ororo Munroe (and still is), we need to know and bring her to cinematics instead of just seeing her as animated. Halle Berry decided to do this not only to help her career get back on top (due to her daughter Nahla), but to make it up for, well, ruining Storm for us. I agree with those who hated Halle as Storm because she looked liked she was playing dress up, but that's the fault of the: make-up, no blue eye contacts, no kenyan accent, dreadful hair, and most of all no tiara, or original costumes. These are all of the things which made others have second opinions on Storm being their favorite Xmen Character. I, once again want this film to have time put into it like the other Marvel & DC films (""Superman Returns"", ""Watcmen"", ""Incredible Hulk"" and Fantastic Four films to name a few). 20th Century Fox I know this can be made possible, it's just a matter of time.
Pros: We already have the only actress to portray as the character
Cons: What great Producer, and Director will take on the mission?