Review content:
As President/CEO of Career Transition Center, licensed by the Industrial Commission of Arizona, with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, we value our professional reputation, and take personal attacks on our integrity seriously.
Although this is not the first time we have been the victim of ""Internet Bashing"" it is unfortunate that anybody can say anything about any product, person or service which is often perceived by the readers as fact.
The rapid advancement of technology, including social media, has provided a vehicle that can be a tremendous resource of enjoyment, and valuable information. Unfortunately, it also can be misused to spew slander, untruths, and facilitate bullying at many levels.
No one values freedom of speech more than those of my generation, because we have lost loved ones in three major conflicts to protect that right. We have also heard phrases such as ""sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."", or ""the pen is mightier than the sword."" or a picture is worth a thousand words.""
I am positive however, that the author of that inalienable right, never intended that an anonyous malcontent could go on line and besmirch the reputation of a professional organization that has dedicated the past 22 years providing exceptional services to thousands of clients. (Including a Deputy Treasurer of the largest county in Arizona, Military Officers, College Professors, former C.I. A. agent, a former FBI I.T. specialist, Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers and the King of an African nation) just to site a few, with an enviable approval rating of over 97% and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.