Review content:
So far I have bought ten neon tetras, two angel fish, two blue gourami, a pleco, and around thirty ghost shrimp.
Well, on the ride home one of my neon tetras died.. I took it back after bringing the others home, thinking it was just a mistake and that one was the only one to have it happen. It was about two hours later that I made it in there, and I had forgotten my receipt, luckily, they remembered me and replaced the little guy promptly.
All seemed well, until we got home, Creature Castle has since closed by the time we made it home.. and while I was sitting looking at how well my tank looked, I noticed that the neon tetra's had ""Ich"". So, I checked the other fish, and sure enough.. one angel fish had the little white spots on his fin.
I didn't think anything of this, I'd just buy the treatment.
Well, clearly I didn't check out the neon's well enough, because today they looked like they were Dalmatians. They were covered. I bought the treatment, which I put in the tank at the recommended dose for scaleless fish.. And, after leaving to pick something up and coming home, two of the little neon tetra's are at the top of the tank struggling for life.. They soon died after.
I was highly upset.. Then, I looked around, and couldn't seem to find my angel fish. I kept counting and moving everything in the tank until finally I found his dead little body tucked between some plants and rocks..
So, I don't know what to say about this store.
The pleco I purchased about two weeks ago is doing great.
But, the other fish, I'm on edge about. I DON'T trust having the tetra's around my other fish. I've had them for a while and don't want to have my mistake make them flushed.
Going to return the fish tomorrow, with the water sample. And, to be honest, if they tell me something is wrong with the water in my tank, I'll probably inform them there was nothing wrong with it until they gave me infected fish. I didn't even trust the brown water that the poor fish came home in. I tried to put them in their floating bag of brown water as soon as possible.. I just wish I had been a better owner and realized what I was doing to my veteran fish ): ((So far, all my fish are still alive, and seem to be doing fine.. Am taking them away from the fish I bought at Creature Castle though, I don't want my fish to be infected from them.))
So, if you do decide to go to Brandon's Creature Castle to purchase your fish, be careful. I should have been a little more wary considering all the fish that were dead & dying in other tanks..