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The Big Kitchen and Judy Forman are both one of a kind, and this in itself makes the Big Kitchen worth the visit, even if you just sit for a cup of coffee.
But you just can?t sit; Judy ?The Beauty on Duty? is more likely than not to engage you in conversation about her experienced and worldly past, or yours. Vietnam in the pre-war 60?s, The Philippines as a beauty queen, social work with gangs in Detroit, California State Legislature 2005 Woman of the Year for the 76th Assembly District, induction into the Women?s all of Fame, all of that is Judy, and more; tr?s bien, her refrain. I believe that is French for ?it?s all good.?
The food is excellent. The menu is classic diner meets progressive world all at the same time. Breakfast and Lunch only. But this place is no longer really about the food alone. It is the cornerstone of a strong community where Judy, in words volunteered up by Stephen Rey, himself voted Best Blues Guitarist in San Diego four years in a row, says ? She is a tremendous philanthropist and therapist, she?s helped me for years as a single dad?my daughter eats for free.? But there are no single dad coupons or discount in general, it?s just compassion and love.
?We just flew in from Albuquerque and came directly here for breakfast,? said one young couple at a corner booth. They were leased that their kid was just handed the ?Basket O? Fantastic? - toys, books and crayons ? without even asking. ?I bring a hello from Debra G. in Louisville,? says a counter bound customer, to which Judy roars with delight.
Of The Big Kitchen, she says herself, ?it?s one of a kind, I couldn?t duplicate it if I tried. And I don?t want to.?
The kitchen is indeed big, and one must pass through it to get to the side room (where the big art covers the wall) , the androgyny room (that?s a restroom to the rest of us) and the back covered patio (cool and hip, it?s the place for me). Betty Boop, the Pink panther, Scooby Doo and Gang, Opus the Penguin, and other characters populate the place which is an artistic and pop cultural feast on the eyes.
The eye candy d?cor bends far left in comparison to the classic diner style of the food. So if your conservative politics are bigger than your appetite ? you might need a suppressant before going in. You will more likely than not stay longer than intended, leave fuller than expected, and carry a happy glow, cured of what ails you, even if you did not know you ailed, when you go. Tr?s bien.